

发布时间: 2024-05-17 12:41:48北京青年报社官方账号



上海老支气管炎最好的治疗方法上海身体长结节是什么原因引起的,上海扁桃体癌科专家号,上海生脉饮能治肺结节吗,上海双叶甲状腺结节tirads 3类严重吗,上海贝母主要治什么病,上海治疗肺肿瘤的民间偏方,上海肝肿瘤一般能活多久?


Analysts said Chinese mainland enterprises are increasingly diversifying their investments globally with a particular appetite for trophy properties in prime markets, eyeing stable and steady, long-term yields from rental income.


And what is true for Germany is also true for the whole of Europe: The European Union is China's most important trading partner and the largest sales market. China's trade volume with Germany is almost as large as China's trade with France, Great Britain and Italy combined. And the Port of Duisburg is the main hub for this trade. German companies and their joint ventures have made outstanding contributions - to the benefit of both sides - to China's technological development. Many companies have also introduced new elements of a socially oriented corporate culture. Increasingly, Chinese companies are also investing in Germany for mutual benefit. Despite the current slowdown in growth, many German companies want to expand their business in China. In order to continue to develop economic dynamism in the future, innovations are essential - for example, to drive forward the digitization of industrial production. We would like to cooperate even more closely with China in this area - especially when the legal protection of innovations is better secured.


And last year, the Chinese government started a seven-year automated agriculture pilot project in Xinghua, Jiangsu province. The project includes rice transplanters, pesticide applicators, fertilization equipment, and driverless tractors that are navigated via global positioning satellites.


Analysts have called for security systems and industry standards to underpin the sustainable development of blockchain applications, as loopholes in the technology could bring about huge financial losses.


And by holding the event, Beijing has once again demonstrated its firm belief in free trade and an open global economy, as well as its rock-solid determination to further open up its market to the wider world.


